viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015


Informació de:

Utilitzem el present continuos quan:

 1. per coses que estant passant o fent-se en el moment que parles
  • I'm working at the moment.
  • Please call back as– we are eating dinner now.
  • Julie is sleeping.
  • You are studying the present continuous.
2. per situacions temporals, i que no duraran per molt temps
  • I'm living in London for a few months.
  • John's working in a bar until he finds a job in his field.
  • I'm reading a really great book.
3. per explicar hàbits que fas de forma temporal o nous hàbits, però no aquells que sempre fas o has fet i faràs (per això s'utilitza el present simple)
  • He's eating a lot these days.
  • She's swimming every morning (she didn't use to do this).
  • You're smoking too much.
  • They're working late every night.
4. per explicar hàbits que fas o fan però que no t'agraden que passin; sovint s'utilitza amb els adverbis, sempre, per sempre o constantment.
  • You're always losing your keys!
  • She's constantly missing the train.
  • They're forever being late.
5. per definir coses que passaran en un futur immediat.
  • I'm meeting my father tomorrow.
  • We're going to the beach at the weekend.
  • I'm leaving at three.
  • They're coming to the party at the weekend.
6. per descriure situacions que poc a poc van canviant
  • I'm getting better at playing the piano.
  • The weather is improving.



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